Seenaa Biirichaa | History

2004 ALI

Bara 1995 ALI Hundeeffame

Batu Town Water Supply &Sewerage Enterprise Have been established according to proclamation no.———–2004 of the regional government for establishment of town water &sewerage service having there own legal entity. Furthermore, proclamation no.78/2004, issued by the regional government has given the enterprise full autonomy to manage the institution by established water Board.

  • The enterprise to be established on the basis of a regulation to be issued shall have the following objective
  • provides adequate potable water supply &sewerage service to the dwellers in and around a specific town
  • Administers itself on the basis of cost coverage principles &decision guideline of aboard that could be established to lead and regulate the enterprise
  • Established as system that assists to be boast the effort being made to provide water supply &sewerage service including waste disposal in its town.

Hojjattoota 10

Hundeeffama Wajirichaa yeroo jalqabaa

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1988 ALI

Waajjira Irra Deebiin Gurmeessuu

Erga mootummaan caasaa jalqaba bara 1988 ALI biiroo qabeenya bishaanii, albuudaa fi Inarjii Magaalaa Baatuu jedhamee moggaafamee booda mootummaa naannoo Oromiyaa jalatti bara 1994ALI irraa eegalee maqaa kanaan hojjeta

Hojjattoota 50

Hojjattoota Wajirichaa 

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1994 ALI

Irra deebiin gurmeessuun itti fufe…

Maqaa kanaan hojjechuu fi gurmaa’insa haaraa dhuma Adoolessa 1,1994ALI in gara qaama lamatti akka Ejensii albuudaa fi Inarjii Oromiyaa Magaalaa Baatuu fi biiroo qabeenya bishaanii Oromiyaa Magaalaa Arsii Nageellee hanga bara 2002ALI.

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Hojjattoota Wajirichaa 

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2003 ALI

Gurmaa’insi Irra Deebiin Itti Fufeera..

Bara 2003ALI irraa eegalee hanga har’aatti isaan keessaa sadii (Bishaan, Albuudaa fi Inarjii) deebi’anii Biiroo tokko jalatti Dhaabbata Tajaajilaa Bishaan Dhugaatii, Albuudaafi Inarjii tahuudhaan caaseffame

Hojjattoota 100

Hojjattoota Wajirichaa 

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2011 ALI

Gurmaa’insi Irra Deebiin Itti Fufeera..

Erga Dhaabbanni lamaan isaanii labsiin lakkoofsa 162/2003ALI walitti makamee Biiroo Albuudaa fi Inarjii Bishaan Oromiyaa jedhamee moggaafamee booda bara 2011ALI irraa eegalee Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa jalatti Dhaabbata Tajaajilaa Bishaan Dhugaatii fi Dhangalaáa Baatuu Adaamii Tulluu maqaa kanaan hojjechaa jira

Hojjattoota 175

  • Sadarkaan Dhaabbatichaa :  Tajaajilaa Bishaan Dhugaatii Sadarkaa 1ffaa
  • Baayyinaa Uumataa Tajaajilamanii : 624,752
  • Baayinaa Aanotaa Tajaajilaa kanatti fayyadamanii : Magaalaa = 
  • Woliigalattii Gandootaa Magaalaa =9
  • Gandootaa Baadiyaa = 51,
  • Dimishaashattii:  Gandota 60 keessattii Tajaajilaa kan kennaa jiruu dha.
  • Hojjattoota: 175
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NU ARGACHUUFNu argachuun. Salphaadha.

    Naannoo Oromiyaa, Godinaa Arsii Lixaa , Aanaa Nageelle Arsii
    WIX - JIM
    8:30AM - 5:30PM
    Dh.Taj.B.Dhug.Dha.BAT (BATWSSSE)

    Dhaabbata Tajaajilaa Bishaan Dhugaatii fi Dhangalaáa Baatuu-AdaamiiTulluu – BATWSSSE (Batu-AdamiTullu Water Supply and Sewerage Services Enterprise)

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